
[筆記] 以後跟老闆談薪水的條件


之前在高通的高管被挖角到英特爾以後,最近大家從 SEC 報告挖出來他的 offer...

下面這一段真的讓人覺得 Intel 好有錢呀~~

The compensation package entitles Mr. Renduchintala to first-class air travel to any domestic location and the use of a private jet "in the event that domestic travel schedules prove difficult," the letter states. Intel agreed to cover all costs of travel between his home in Southern California and Intel's headquarters in Santa Clara, Calif., including temporary housing costs. The company also is providing him with what the letter describes as a "comprehensive" relocation package to help him move to the San Francisco Bay Area.
以後我可以跟老闆說到任何地方,我都要坐商務艙嗎 XDD
